We’ve worked with teachers and educational consultants to develop our new Schools’ Pack for key stage 1 and 2. It’s designed to help teach valuable concepts, tie in with curriculum themes and create fun for everyone involved. This pack includes information for teachers on The Batemans Trust, education in India and lots of fun ways to raise money for Batemans whilst you learn across the curriculum.
Download our free UK Schools’ Pack here.
Buy our brilliant ‘Guided Reading Set’ for only £25.
Our guided reading set includes 6 copies of our beautifully illustrated book ‘Priya goes to school’, 2 worksheets, a guided reading plan, a geography based fact sheet and 3 Tsunamica finger puppets made by women whose homes were destroyed by the 2004 Tsunami.
“The children loved reading ‘Priya’ and were captivated by the scenes of India. The lessons around Priya tied in brilliantly with our fundraising and our cross-curricular work on India.”
Rachel, teacher at St Alban’s Catholic Primary School, Cambridge, UK.
For more information contact mail@batemans.org.uk